By Gemma West All businesses must innovate – innovate or die they say. When I started in the wine industry in the early 2000s, it had just been through the heyday of the 1990s. Back then, I heard many winemakers saying “I make wines that I want to drink”, hoping the consumer would follow and
How to revisit your wine marketing plans in times of disruption By Dr Armando Maria Corsi The beginning of every year is always characterised by the desire to predict future marketing trends. This aspiration gets even stronger in years such as those we are experiencing right now, as we feel that the world is changing
Packaging and labelling technologies for wine, just like bottling processes themselves, have advanced significantly in recent years. Della Toffola Pacific’s managing director, Paul Baggio, discusses these changes and the benefits to the business of winemaking. Della Toffola is very well regarded across all winemaking regions as the industry leader, with a multi-generational history of delivering
PACKWINE Forum & Expo
Friday, 18 June 2021 / Published in 2021, Design, Marketing, Packaging, Speakers, Technology, Wine
What do you buy when you hand over the cash for an Akubra hat, a pair of RM boots or a Country Road shirt? A high quality item of clothing that’s going to keep you warm and dry? Or something more? Would you be just as happy to have precisely the same item if it
Packaging! Sometimes there can be too much, sometimes there can be too little… but how do you get the balance of product versus packaging just right? Ralph Moyle from the Australian Institute of Packaging talks about achieving ‘the Goldilocks spot’ as he presents some all-important guidance for wineries to make their packaging more sustainable as